removal of problematic odors by chemically scrubbing foul air in the towers – Azurair™ C

The foul air is washed (absorption of pollutants in the water) in towers. Towers can be used singly or joined up (depending on the inlet concentrations and treatment objectives).
Pollutants are removed by chemical reactions that take place in the water. Reagents can be acids to remove nitrogen compounds, bleach to oxidize sulphur compounds, sodium hydroxide to remove residual sulphur compounds, thiosulphate or bisulphite in polishing.

key figure
- Speed guarantee 2.1 m/s
among references
- Doha West (Qatar) 650,000 PE – Azurair B+C
- Lusail (Qatar) 250,000 PE – Azurair B+C
- Panama 238,000 m3/d
- Chemical washing, the most efficient treatment for odor molecules
- Flexible: 1 to 3 towers
- Effectiveness
- Reliability even in case of in case of inlet variation
- In cases of high pollution levels, the B+C combination is less expansive (up to 14% saved)
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