advanced wastewater treatment for polishing treatment associating ozonation and biofiltration – Oxyblue™

The OxyblueTM is a tertiary treatment technology for industrial wastewater combining chemical oxidation (ozonation) and biological oxidation (biofiltration - BioforTM). It is main advantage is the innovative ability to accelerate and increase the biodegradation of persistent organic matter.
In the treatment line, OxyblueTM is the final step before discharge or associated to ultrafiltration or reverse osmosis for reuse purpose.

key figures
- Decrease of up to 50% of reagent consumption for membrane washing
- Up to 60% of COD eliminated
among references
- Groupe SCA, Laakirchen (Austria) 2,500 m3/h
- PetroChina Company Ltd, Chengdu (China) 1,600 m3/h
- PetroChina Company Ltd, Yunnan (Chine) 1,200 m3/h
- Allows effluent discharge into sensitive zones
- Small footprint and modular design supports rapid adaptation to changes in load and flow rates
- Competitive technology as tertiary treatment compared with the usual other usual competitors technologies (ozonation and absorption on activated carbon)
- Significant reduction of wash reactive consumption and increase ultrafiltration equipment longevity due to membrane reuse treatment
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