Bahia de Palma seawater reverse osmosis desalination plant (Spain)

Mallorca is Spain’s largest island with a population of around 540,000. During a severe drought in 1995 the island was forced to ship in water from mainland Spain which triggered the start of the Bahia De Palma desalination plant project.
The plant is located 2km inland from the coast and saltwater is pumped to the site from 10 seawater wells where it is processed and distributed around the island to the capital, Palma (pop. 375,000) and the surrounding municipalities.
A chemical dosing system able to dose sodium hypochlorite, sulfuric acid, sodium bisulfite and coagulant:
- 9 horizontal pressurized dual media sand filters 4m (diameter) and 12m (length)
- 9 cartridge filters with 150 cartridges
reverse osmosis
To comply with water quality requirements of no more than 400 mg/l TDS, a single pass degremont® RO system is used:
- Approximately 151,000 m3/day saltwater is pumped to the RO system which is composed of 10 turbo pumps and 9 trains of membranes with a 45% recovery rate
- Energy recovery is via Pelton turbine
- Permeate is remineralised with hypochlorite, lime and CO2 then pumped to the islands drinking water distribution system
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