legal notice

This page describes the legal terms and conditions that apply to all Internet users visiting the SUEZ's degremont® water handbook website. By consulting this website, you undertake to adhere to them unreservedly. These conditions may be modified at any time without notice, we therefore urge you to consult them regularly.

nature of the information supplied

SUEZ Group endeavours, as far as is possible, to ensure that the information published on the website is accurate and up-to-date. It reserves the right to alter the content of the website at any time and without prior notice.

However, the SUEZ Group cannot guarantee that the information published on the website will always be accurate, up-date or exhaustive. Every Internet user fully accepts the risks involved in assigning credibility to this information.

As a result, the SUEZ Group declines all responsibility:

  • for any vagueness, inaccuracy or omission in the information available on the website,
  • for any damage resulting from the illicit intrusion of a third party, which may subsequently have led to the modification of information or other elements available on the website,
  • and, generally speaking, for any damage, be it direct or indirect, whatever the cause, source, nature or consequence, and regardless of whether the SUEZ group was notified of the possibility of such damage, caused by (i) access by any individual or the inability to access the website, (ii) the use of the website, including damage caused to your computer hardware or any other possession, and any viruses that may affect them, and/or (iii) users assigning credibility to any information obtained from the website, directly or indirectly.

The components of the website are provided "as is" without any implicit or explicit guarantee. The SUEZ Group gives no guarantee whatsoever, be it implicitly or explicit, relating to their value or appropriateness for a given purpose.

intellectual property


All information that appears on the website (documents contained on the site as well as all the components created for the site) are the property of SUEZ and are subject to copyright laws as soon as they are placed on the website for public use. Copies of documents contained on the website may be made for reference purposes only and solely for single and strictly private use. No licences, or any rights other than the right to consult the website, will be granted to anyone with regard to intellectual property rights. The reproduction of documents on the website is permitted for reference purposes only and for private and personal use: any reproduction or use of a copy for other purposes is strictly prohibited.

distinctive signs

Unless otherwise specified, registered company names, logos, products and brands mentioned on the website are the property of SUEZ. They may not be used without prior written authorisation from SUEZ.

personal and other information

In accordance with the French "Data Processing and Liberty" law of 6th January 1978, you have the right to access, modify, correct or delete any personal data that concerns you. To do so, simply place a request by mail:

SUEZ - Communications Department
Tour CB21 - 16 place de l'Iris
92040 Paris La Défense cedex - France

The website is not intended to receive confidential information from you. As a result and with the exception of the personal data mentioned above, all information, whatever form it is in - document, data, graphic, question, suggestion, concept, remark, or other -, that you provide will on no account be treated as confidential. As a result, by simply sending information, you authorize us to use, reproduce, publish, modify or communicate it for the purpose of carrying out your request.

website publisher

SUEZ International SAS
A French limited liability company with share capital of €158 510 660
RCS Nanterre 569800873
Head Office: Tour CB21 – 16, place de l’Iris – 92040 Paris La Défense Cedex.
Phone : +33 (0)1 58 81 50 00
[email protected]

Publication Manager : Sylvie Baig

Webmaster : Typhanie Schincariol

This website is hosted by Linkbynet
A French limited liability company with share capital of €373,000
RCS 430 359 927
Head office : 5-9 rue de l’Industrie, 93200 SAINT-DENIS,
Tél : +33 (0)1 48 13 00 00

Piano Analytics (opt-out mode)

The "opt-out" option implemented by the Piano Analytics (AT Internet) service allows you to exclude your browsing data from Suez Water Handbook, which uses the Piano Analytics (AT Internet) audience measurement service, which collects statistical data.

To activate this option, you must first activate the "analyticsOptOut" cookie. This activation ensures that your opt-out request will be recognised and stored each time you visit Suez Water Handbook. This option will only be taken into account on the browser on which the opt-out cookie is set. If you do not activate this cookie, if you delete it later, or if you visit Suez Water Handbook in private browsing mode, we will not be able to detect your request and we will continue to collect tracking data.

I understand that after activating this option, I will be counted as an internet user who refuses to be audited and that my browsing data will be excluded from the data returned by Piano Analytics (AT Internet).

Activate the "opt-out" option