Macao Drinking water production plant (China)

In 2006, to face the increasing water demand of the inhabitants in the city of Macao, Macao Water awarded SUEZ for the design and construction of Macao MSR II Drinking Water Treatment Plant with an additional capacity of 60,000 m3/d. This plant is equipped with Aquadaf™ process followed by ultrafiltration membranes, thus enabling Macao city to benefit of the most compact water treatment technology ever installed in China.
In 2013, SUEZ has been awarded a new contract Macao MSR III, including the refurbishment of the existing plant and its extension with an additional capacity of 60,000 m3/d, to reach a total capacity of MSR facilities at 180,000 m3/d.
macao MSR stage II process
- Pretreatment
Screening, followed by pre-chlorination and the additional of some hydrochloric acid (HCI) in order to lower the PH and injection of aluminum base coagulant
- Clarification
Clarification using Aquadaf™ dissolved air flotation technology : the coagulant and the raw water are introduced into the coagulation zone to neutralize the colloidal particles present in the water.
Once their loads are neutralized, the colloidal particles agglomerate by a system of agitation to form floc particles in the flocculation zone. This solid particles, agglomerated within the water, are then sent into the flotation zone where micro bubbles are dispersed. The floc attach to the air bubbles an float to the surface forming a thick bed of sludge.
- Disinfection by final chlorination
- Ultrafiltration
Ultrafiltration using Ultrazur™ membrane filtration system including out-in filtration, gravity-feed tanks, common peripheral water and air feed piping for all tanks. 5 lines of 3 cassettes with 90 modules each.
As a part of MSR II’s process design, the main treatment processes of MSR III was designed as same as MSR II’s.
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