Saidabad drinking water plant (Bangladesh)

In Saidabad, near Dacca, SUEZ designed a drinking water production plant capable of using water resources whose properties vary widely, thereby meeting the Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority requirements, an organisation in charge of managing the Bangladeshi capital's water.
With a daily capacity of 450,000 m3/d, the Saidabad drinking water treatment plant was constructed in 2 phases and is running at full capacity since December 2012.
Awarded to MTH – SUEZ Consortium in 2010 and completed in 2012, phase 2 aimed at doubling the capacity of the plant, but also upgrading the overall quality of water produced during the dry seasons of the year, when Dhaka City is facing severe deterioration of water quality within Sithalakya river and DND canal.
In this purpose, a world-first innovative pretreatment solution has been implemented both in DND canal and the plant, ensuring a constant water quality.

water treatment
an innovative double stage pretreatment
In this purpose, pretreatment is initialized directly inside DND canal, with 3 sets of 4 surface aerators installed in different locations in the canal in order to increase oxygen content in water so as to :
- Reduce sulphides concentration
- Start biological process of nitrification
Second stage pretreatment consists of biological nitrification aiming at :
- Ensuring ammonia removal
- Reducing organic compounds, including THM precursors
clarification with PulsatubeTM clarifiers
- All the advantages of the Pulsator plus lamellar settling
- More compact design : twice the rising velocity for only half the floor space
filtration with Aquazur V®filters
- High speed filter installed on hundreds of water plants worldwide
- Efficient and cost-effective washing system
- Tailor-made operating control
- During the dry season : residual amonia removal and disinfection by monochloramine
- During the rainy season : by a low dosage of chlorine
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