Aquaviva wastewater treatment plant, Cannes (France)

a carbon neutral water treatment plant:
At the forefront of environmental requirements, and thanks to its technical performance, Aquaviva is the first carbon neutral plant in the world.
This performance has been achieved thanks to the following combination of ambitious and innovative technical options :
- The Ultrafor process which removes twice as much pollution than required by regulations and reuses 5,000 m3/day of treated water for watering green areas.
- Sludge-drying using the EVAPORISTM LE technology on site, dividing 5-fold the tonnage to be removed.
- Processes recovering the heat contained in wastewater and sludge
- The ecodesign of the operations building and public entrance hall built in accordance with an EQS approach.
- 4 000 m2 of photovoltaic panels
Connected towns: Auribeau sur Siagne, Cannes, Le Cannet, Mandelieu-la Napoule, Mougins, Pégomas, La Roquette sur Siagne and Théoule sur Mer.
As the wastewater plant designed in 1977 was no longer meeting European standards, the Syndicat Intercommunal d’Assainissement Unifié du Bassin Cannois (SIAUBC) signed a concession contract with SUEZ in 2008 for the construction and operation of a new plant.
plant characteristics:
- Off-peak period = 33 000 m3/day
- In between period = 52 000 m3/day
- Peak period = 86 000 m3/day
water treatment objectives:
- BOD5 = 10 mg/l , i.e. a yield of 95 %
- COD = 50 mg/l , i.e. a yield of 95 %
- TSS = 5 mg/l , i.e. a yield of 90 %
- Faecal coliforms: 100/100 ml
- Total coliforms: 500/100 ml
- E. Coli: 250/100 ml intestinal enterococci: 100/100 ml
sludge and air treatment processes:
- Treated volume: 15 T DM/day
- Dry content: 90 %
- Odour removal: 2 lines with 3 towers
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