boosted digestion of biological or mixed sludge – Digelis™ Turbo

The DigelisTM Turbo is a boosted digestion technology that reduces the sludge quantity by half after dewatering utilizing a preliminary process of thermal hydrolysis of biological or mixed sludge.
Thermal Hydrolysis Process (THP), patented by the Norwegian company CAMBI, disintegrates the cell structure of bacteria into a easily digestible and dewaterable product.

key figures
- Production of reusable biogas increased by 50%
- 50% of sludge evacuation costs for a new facility
- Increase dryness from 4 to 8 points compared to a conventional digestion
- Sludge volume is reduce by 1/2 compared to treatment line without digestion
among references
- El Trebal Mapocho (Chile) – 905,000 PE
- Ourense (Spain) – 350,000 PE
- Ability to double digester capacity in existing installations
- Reduce the capacity needed for the final drying step
- Auto-Thermal reforming of biologically treated sludge
- Fully-automatic operating cycles
- Production of reusable biogas increased from biological sludge
- Reduction of the cost of sludge removal
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