flotation separation – UCD® daf

• Surface water
operating principle :
- Coagulation-flocculation: Addition of a coagulant and passage of the water through a double coagulation compartment, followed by a hydraulic flocculation chamber.
- flotation:
- Entry of flocculated water into the pressurised water injection zone.
- Expansion of the pressurised water through a series of nozzles and creation of a cloud of micro-bubbles.
- Formation of a dense bed of micro-bubbles inside the flotation zone and agglomeration of the flocculated particles.
- Dam, river and eutrophic lake water
- Elimination of low-density particle pollutants (colloids, colour, algae, etc.)
- Water with a high content of organic matter, algae and cyanobacteria
- Clarification of cold water Turbidity of raw water ‹30 NTU (peaks at 200 NTU)
- Pre-treatment for desalination
- Possible utilisation in tertiary phosphorous removal
- Treatment of dirty backwash water
key figures
- Turbidity of clarified water from 1 to 4 NTU according to raw water
- Possibility of sludge extraction from 20 to 40% g/l
- Algae abatement approximately 90%
- High-speed clarifier offering an increased capacity for existing facilities (rehabilitation) or new ones
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