lamellar and sludge contact clarifier – Densadeg®

The Densadeg® treats all types of water. In drinking water treatment, the Densadeg® is used for clarification (removal of suspended solids, colloids, color, micro-algae, etc.), carbonate removal (softening).
It combines the principle of lamellar settling with an integrated sludge thickener. No need of additional sludge thickening equipment before dewatering. The densification of sludge allows to reduce the volume of extracted sludge and thus limit the water loss.

key figures
- Sludge > 30 g/l
- 5 to 8 time smaller footprint than traditional settling unit
- Application to river water or dam water (from 5 to 5000 NFU)
among our references
- Over 600 References
- Yangshupu (Chine) - 360,000 m3/d
- Morsang-sur-Seine - 84,960 m3/d
- Very low water loss
- Compactness due to its modular and lamellar design
- Integrated sludge thickening - particularly suitable in case of small footprint or if water loss should be limited
- Fast and easy operation even in case of important variation
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