treatment systems
Reading time:SUEZ has designed two systems that are cost-effective for plant discharging approximately 8 hydrojets per day (i.e. approximately 5 t · d–1 of pulp) to which has to be added the grit produced by the plant's grit removers.
arenis low flow rate system
This system comprises (figure 9):
- a clamshell bucket;
- a rotary screen;
- a grit washer classifier.
Overdesigned, the wash stage is carried out in a rotary screen and, therefore, does not include a hydrocyclone but does enable us to ensure OM levels <5%.
A storage period of at least 1 month must then apply.

arenis high flow rate system
This system comprises (figure 10):
- 1 clamshell bucket;
- 1 rotary screen;
- 2 hydroseparators;
- 2 hydrocyclones;
- 1 densimetric channel:
- 1 vibrating dewatering unit;
- 1 rotating strainer on the overflows.

This system enables us to guarantee 3% residual OM; however, we still recommend that the heap is allowed to ripen.
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