measuring odours and odour control
Reading time:Respect for the surrounding environment means that the odorous gas emissions from our urban or industrial wastewater treatment plants must be subject to systematic control, along with their visual impact. In this context, odour emitting areas are increasingly contained and the structures and equipment placed in operating buildings.
This containment causes problems of corrosion and air quality in the structures and buildings. They therefore have to be ventilated to control corrosion, but first and foremost to ensure the safety of personnel exposed to pollutants in potentially hot and/or damp environments.
Ventilation creates stale, odorous air flows that must be treated within an odour control unit before being discharged into the atmosphere.
In drinking water treatment or desalination plants, buildings also must be ventilated, mainly to limit condensation phenomena.
Lastly, regardless of the application, ventilation adjusts the thermal environment inside a building (evacuation of heat, heating).
This section addresses all topics relating to the ventilation of structures and buildings and the treatment of odours.
Lastly, it has been noted that structure containment normally goes hand-in-hand with improved integration of the plant within its environment (see influence of a plant’s environment (appearance, odours, noise): compactness).
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