Reading time:Water treatment quality depends on even and accurate reagent dispensing.
The building that houses chemical product storage, preparation and distribution must, therefore, be easily accessible to operators. It must allow for:
- visual checking of:
- reagent injection points;
- the actual circulation of essential reagents;
- each of calibration and adjustment of
- dispensing units;
- control-regulation units (pH meters, flowmeters);
- preparing a solution from powdered reagent delivered in sacks:
- alum;
- slaked lime;
- flocculants;
- maintenance and dismantling of:
- dispensing pump valves and pressure relief valves;
- diaphragms, meters, valves mounted on pipelines;
- reagent injection pipes;
- cleaning of premises and equipment:
- collecting wash water and drips (sloping floor with collection sump);
- non-slip flooring in flocculant preparation areas (viscous solutions).
Accessibility also signifies compliance with ergonomic rules:
- "operator level" appliance controls and readouts ;
- appropriate resources designed to limit efforts involved in handling drums or sacks of products.
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