metal digester - Digelis Simplex

Digelis Simplex technology is based on a verinox patented reactor.
This method of construction works without welding or bolting applicable to mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digesters with or without integrated gasholder. Digelis Simplex has been implemented for over 70 years by our partner.

The construction of the reactor is carried out directly on site on concrete slab foundation by rolling around a circular structure of stainless steel Verinox strips. To ensure sealing the reactor, the steel strips are joined by folding (Double Seam Lipp system). This method of quick and effective construction is comparable to an advancing screw: as every rounds completed, the reactor rises and takes shape.
The sludge mixing inside the reactor requires few energy.
key figures
- more than 500 units built with this method
among references
- Weyersheim (67, Bas-Rhin): 30,000 PE
- Folschviller (57, Moselle): 29,000 PE
- Les Mureaux (78, Yvelines): 120,000 PE
- Sludge heating system to replace an upstream exchanger
- Construction of reactor in patented Verinox stainless steel
- Folded steel with the patented Lipp Double-Seam
- Metal reactor to avoid aggressive constraints on concrete
- Mechanical mixing: no biogas compressor thus limiting ATEX constraints
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