specific treatment after anaerobic sludge digestion to remove nitrogen – Cleargreen™

Limiting the impact of digestion on the water treatment line.
The CleargreenTM is designed to work with a biological sequencing batch reactor (SBR), allows the successive completion of all treatment phases in the same tank.

key figure
- 60% less air needed compared to classic activated sludge treatment
among references
- Burgos (Spain) - 150,000 m3/d
- Ourence (Spain) - 350,000 PE
- Refurbishment: avoids to overload the water line
- New plant: avoids to oversize the biologic treatment
- Automation of process control
- Robust adaptability to variations in load and effluent composition
- Spontaneous installation of the biomass
- No reactive agents needed
- Automatic regulation of air supply= control of consumption
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