thermophilic digestion at 55°C - Digelis™ Fast

Capable of accepting high loads and providing shorter contact time for the sludge and smaller reactor size.

Spiral Heat Exchanger : A unique feature to preheat the fresh sludge and to avoid any energy over-consumption.
key figures
- 40% reduction in the size of digesters compared to conventional mesophilic process
- Digestion reaction kinetics multiplied two-fold
among references
- Marseille (France) 1,800,000 PE
- Csepel (Hungary) 1,600,000 PE
- Enables to increase the capacity of existing digesters without any major modification
- Investment lower than mesophilic digestion
- Same energy consumption than mesophilic digestion with integration of energy recovery device at the reactor outlet
- Biogas production equivalent to a mesophilic digestion
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