low temperature sludge drying system – Evaporis™ LT

The EvaporisTM LT,low temperature sludge drying system, works on the principle of continued drying by hot air convection (65/80°) in a closed tunnel. The workshop accepts urban wastewater dewatered sludge, physical-chemical, biological or mixed (with or without tertiary treatment) as industrial wastewater sludge. It applies for dewatered sludge with minimum dryness around 25%.

Evaporis™ LT uses the dryer of the Spanish company STC (Sistemas de Transferencia de Calor) specializing in the thermal drying of sludge at low temperatures. STC is a subsidiary of SUEZ.
key figures
- Modular and scalable design available from 30,000 PE
- Only 90°C required temperature for the heat source
among references
- Saint-Marcellin (France) – 35,000 PE
- Reduces consumption of primary energy using lost heats that haven't been use on the treatment plant (cogeneration)
- Quick start-up and automated process
- Low maintenance
- Dryers not concerned by ATEX regulations
- Modular system
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