biological purification by combined cultures – Meteor™ IFAS

The MeteorTM IFAS is a biological process by combined cultures equipment developed for the removal of nitrogen and carbon.
A hybrid solution integrating the advantages of fixed-film process (like biofiltration) and suspended growth technology (like activated sludge).

key figures
- Reinforced expertise by 7 years of partnership with HYDROXIL SYSTEM (USA)
- More than 847,000 m3 treated water per day with METEOR
- Nitrification potential 3 times higher than in conventional activated sludge
among references
- Refurbishment of Milan San Rocco: adding of equipment in the existing tanks to run in IFAS and increase of the treatment capacity
- Falling Creek (USA) –53,000 m3/d
- Proctor’s Creek (USA) – 135,000 m3/d
- Compact : structure volume considerably reduced compared to conventional activated sludge
- Flexibility : Supports strong load variations particularly in cold zones (i.e. mountainous zones)
- Environment : An effluent quality that complies with the most stringent regulations on discharge
- Easy to operate :
- A high level of automation / system reliability
- Ease of integration within existing plants
- Ideal for upgrade: raises the quality level of discharge
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