wastewater reuse in a compact treatment solution – Compakblue™

The CompakblueTMis a disk filter recommended for retaining SS in tertiary filtration of UWW, as an alternative to the filtration granular media. This product is particularly adapted to reuse or discharge into the sensitive areas.

key figures
- Retains SS from 8 mm
- Footprint 4 times less than traditional filtration
- Speed filtration 50 m3/h to 2,000 m3/h
among references
- 13 references in tertiary treatment since 2006
- Ourense (Spain) 350,000 PE
- Small footprint
- Entirely automated function
- No risk of clogging
- Low energy consumption
- Continuous operation: single line (double line is needed with traditional sand filtration)
- Good mechanical resistance
- Advanced suspended solid treatment
- A first step towards micropollutant treatment
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