biological treatment with air insufflation – Combigreen™

The Combigreen™ is a low energy product combining a fine bubble annular aeration channel and a central clarifier with an optimized hydraulic profile. It is a compact work, a high length of water for more operational reliability.
The Combigreen™ integrates accessibility and maintenance solutions developed with the operators, including :
- Treated water collection through an immersed drilled pipe or through a conventional nozzle with automatic cleaning
- Travelling bridge spread over the work for an access in all points along the tank

key figures
- More than 146,000 PE treated with CombigreenTM in FRANCE
- Energy saving up to 15 %
- Space saving up to 25 %
- Small footprint (double function)
- Secured clarification (high water depth)
- Optimum treated water quality (Long contact time in the clarifier)
- Good adaptability on difficult ground
- Limited length of pipe (smart integration of works)
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