longitudinal suction - sludge recovery – SLG clarifier

The SLG rectangular clarifier achieves the settlement and separation of biomass and suspended solids form the treated water. It is a longitudinal flow clarifier with flat bottom. It operates in conjunction with the aeration tanks in the activated sludge process providing secondary treatment.
The scraper mechanism comprises a bridge that automatically travels back and forth. This bridge is equipped with draught tubes.
Sludge is extracted using a negative pressure siphon that is mounted on the bridge, and that transfers the sludge from the collection tank to a side channel.
key figures
- 1, 2, or 3 channels depending on width
- 6 to 20 m large
- 25 to 30% less print than conventional circular clarifier
among references
- Milano San Rocco WWTP (Italy) 1,050,000 PE
- Csepel WWTP (Budapest, Hungary) 1,600,000 PE
- Alexandria East WWTP (Egypt), 800,000 m3/d
- Compact solution, ideal for use where land is at a premium, easier to incorporate into a building
- Continuous withdrawal and optimized retention time of the biological sludge within the tanks: better quality of biomass reinjected into aeration tanks
- Optimized inlet distribution and outlet recovery of treated water
- Ease of maintenance due to the travelling bridge
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