miscellaneous information

Reading time:

time taken to drain out a tank having a constant horizontal section and a hole drilled into its floor

Time taken to drain in seconds :

Formula: Miscellaneous information - Drainage time

time taken to drain a conical tank

Formula: Miscellaneous information - Drainage time for a conical tank

pumps (figure 44)

hydraulic motors

The power to be delivered, expressed in kW, is :

Formula: pomps - power to be delivered

Q = flow rate to be delivered, in m3·h–1,

H = total static head (in metres of head),

Δh = head loss through pipes (metre of head)

r = pump efficiency (between 0.6 and 0.9).

When the speed of rotation n reaches n’ = kn, centrifugal pump characteristics obey the following relations :

Formula: pomps - centrifugal pump

The power to be delivered, expressed in kW, is :

Formula: Hydraulic motors  - power to be delivered expressed in kW

Q = flow rate, in m3·h–1,

H = water falling head in metres,

r = turbine efficiency.

Values for r :

  • Hydraulic impeller : 0.70 to 0.75
  • Propeller and Francis turbine : 0.70 to 0.88
  • Kaplan and Pelton turbines : 0.70 to 0.92

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