specific pre-treatment
Reading time:Strategic separation of wastewater streams allows that the following can be processed specifically and efficiently, e.g.:
- hard COD (non-biodegradable) using oxidation (Fenton, O3, Toccata, wet process oxidation) and adsorption (activated carbon, resins) techniques, see fundamental physical-chemical engineering processes applicable to water treatment, oxidation and reduction and neutralisation – remineralisation;
- toxic compounds (priority pollutants, heavy metals…), see chemical precipitations and oxidation and reduction;
- NH4 (stripping coking plant ammonia water…), see gas and vapour strippers;
- highly concentrated, but biodegradable wastewaters which can be processed less expensively using high BOD loading processes; methane fermentation, Ultrafor, see chapters biological processes and methane fermentation;
- polluted cooling water;
- assorted compounds such as sulphur compounds (tanneries, spent sodium hydroxide…), etc.
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